Changeset [69efc49fcd9c59a7eff1850a61b24f4b7eb7247a] by Jed Brown

April 17th, 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Work on handling boundary conditions. [#5] [#10]

  • Provide Global, Dirichlet, and Closure vectors. Global and Dirichlet vectors are VecGhost so they have a local form. Scatters are provided from Closure to the others.

  • Use MAIJ format for element assembly matrices (allows vector-valued spaces)

  • Keep track of boundaries by using ITAPS/MOAB tag conventions instead of private data structure (this is useful since the user needs to see the set structure if they need to relate to geometric entities).

  • Add dFSHomogeneousMode to handle which boundary values should be mapped into expanded space.

Committed by Jed Brown

  • M include/dohpfs.h
  • M include/dohpjacobi.h
  • M include/dohpmesh.h
  • M include/dohptype.h
  • M include/private/dmeshimpl.h
  • M include/private/fsimpl.h
  • M include/private/jacimpl.h
  • M src/fs/impls/cont/cont.c
  • M src/fs/interface/fs.c
  • M src/fs/interface/fsreg.c
  • M src/fs/mesh/interface/mesh.c
  • M src/fs/tests/ellip.c
  • M src/jacobi/impls/tensor/tensor.c
  • M src/jacobi/interface/jacobi.c
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An implementation of the ``dual order hp'' version of the finite element method. This project targets parallel domain-decomposition methods for strongly coupled nonlinear problems with PDE constraints.