Changeset [fba64d19f978107905b3fe53d950727d3860230f] by Jed Brown

April 24th, 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Add VecDohp, MPI vectors with VecGhost closure (includes test)

Changed reference output suffix to .refout

This is progress towards issue gh-4

Committed by Jed Brown

  • M CMakeLists.txt
  • M include/dohpvec.h
  • M src/CMakeLists.txt
  • M src/vec/tests/CMakeLists.txt
  • M src/vec/tests/vec-ex1.c
  • M src/vec/tests/vec-ex1.refout
  • M src/vec/vecd.c
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An implementation of the ``dual order hp'' version of the finite element method. This project targets parallel domain-decomposition methods for strongly coupled nonlinear problems with PDE constraints.