Changeset [fd8b403d51bd805b324cfd6e64dbcc1bc3c4971a] by Jed Brown

May 10th, 2009 @ 12:20 AM

Add elasticity example

  • The shell Jacobian and preconditioner (for linear elements) is correct even with the nonlinear strain tensor.

  • Spectral convergence to manufactured solution is observed for a single element.

  • There is some error with high order and multiple elements. This needs to be fixed before implementing an indefinite vector problem (Stokes).

References gh-3

Committed by Jed Brown

  • M src/fs/tests/CMakeLists.txt
  • M src/fs/tests/elast.c
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An implementation of the ``dual order hp'' version of the finite element method. This project targets parallel domain-decomposition methods for strongly coupled nonlinear problems with PDE constraints.